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Welcome to the world of WPT Poker

Welcome to WPT Poker, where the focus is on fun, ease of use, reliability and security. Our software and systems are at the forefront of technological innovation, which allows us to deliver cutting-edge game features and functionality.
Licensed, Regulated and Tested

Licensed by the Government of Gibraltar and regulated by the Gibraltar Gambling Commissioner under the Gambling Act 2005, our games are powered by the bwin.party systems which are independently tested to ensure that our games operate correctly, are fair, their outcomes are not predictable and that the system is reliable, resilient and otherwise up to the highest standards of software integrity, including access control, change control recording, fingerprinting of the executables and regular monitoring of all critical components of our systems.
Game Fairness and Responsible Gaming

We see online gambling as a legitimate form of entertainment that is enjoyed by millions of adults worldwide. We advertise and operate responsibly in order to protect minors, and we assist those that may have problems to help identify their issues and, if appropriate, seek counselling. For more information, see game fairness and Responsible Gaming.
Safe, Secure and Private

We use 128-bit encryption, provided by Thawte Security, to ensure the security and privacy of your data. We keep all of your information confidential, and we will never share it or sell it to third parties, except in accordance with our Privacy Policy. Our state-of-the-art player identification and controlled access login ensure maximum Account safety.
Zero Tolerance for Fraud and Collusion

Our systems perform random security checks and other log-file reviews to maintain system integrity and fairness at the tables. If we find any players participating in collusion or deceptive practices, we will close their accounts immediately.
Payment Processing

We offer a variety of easy deposit options and guarantee fast cash outs. All payment processing transactions are transmitted by, and stored in, our secure, proprietary Pay-Pro cashier system. Additionally, our new integrated platforms allow you to play a variety of gaming sites using a common account and log-in.
Excellent customer care, VIP services and rewards

We understand that your time is valuable and that you want to have fun, free from hassles or problems. That's why our five-star Customer Care Team is available to help you, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. In addition, we assign dedicated hosts to our regular players to ensure the highest level of support and the best comps and bonuses. At bwin.party, we believe our rewards programme is second to none.
Thank you for visiting WPT Poker - we hope you enjoy our games and our service. We are very proud of what we've built and hope that you will have an exciting and rewarding time with us. If you need assistance, or have any suggestions, please feel free to email us. We look forward to hearing from you. Once again, welcome to the world of WPT Poker!

Дата: Вторник, 05 Март 2013
Прочитана: 5152 раза

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