In the sports betting world, there are many different kinds of bets. The average punter is quite familiar with the win-lose and money line bets. There’s also a reasonable degree of familiarity with the concepts of lay betting and event betting. A yankee bet, on the other hand, can be quite the unfamiliar creature.
Winning with a yankee bet is difficult if you don’t understand all the elements of the bet. At the very least, you should be able to name all the parts of a bet before you put your money on it. This is because a Yankee is made up of different multiple bets. Anything less than knowing the full components and you might as well hand your money straight over to the bookie and not even bother with a bet card.
Betting yankee is actually not a single bet. Yankees are one of the multiple bet systems out there, it is a full coverage bet, and they require a fair bit of skill to accomplish. Novice punters and complete amateurs would be wise to avoid them until they’ve had time to study and understand them.
A Yankee is made up of four selections, and being a full coverage bet, it means that all possible combinations of bets from those four selections are included. So, from four selections, you can make 6 Doubles, 4 Trebles and a Fourfold accumulator. Single selections are not included in a Yankee.
So that is a total of eleven bets placed from four selections to make a Yankee Bet. When placing a stake, your unit stake will be applied to each of the eleven bets. So if you wanted a Ј1 Yankee, it will cost you Ј11 in stake.
Again, when you place a yankee bet, you are actually placing 11 bets. The individual bets are 4 doubles, 6 trebles, and one quad. It's not a combination to be approached lightly
You can make yankee bet on site |