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Betoto.com - греческий вариант Bwin

betoto - Sports Betting Excitement!

The new generation of fixed odds betting service for the punters worldwide is here! betoto.com comes to set new standards in the betting world by introducing a revolutionary approach on how to bet on sports and events. Covering most worldwide sports events, betoto.com aims at the top!

Who we are

Our main goal at betoto.com is to provide integrated and pioneer fixed odds services to users worldwide. We feel that the offering of good betting options, the respect of our clients, the credibility and transaction speed together with an efficient customer support is the best way to create a successful business.

For more information please contact our customer support department.

betoto.com aims to become one of Europe's most visited websites for online gaming entertainment. Live bets that enable you to place bets in real time right up to the end of a sporting event are one of our site's unique features.

betoto.com is operated by bwin International Ltd. which holds an European sports betting and casino licence issued in Gibraltar under the continuous official supervision of the Government of Gibraltar. The company is lead by experienced management and has highly qualified staff from all over the world, all of them with many years' experience in the international sports betting and casino market.

Licenses and security

The success of a sports betting site depends not only on the wide selection of bets and competitive odds offered, but also on the confidence that sports fans place in the company offering the betting service.

betoto.com, has teamed up with bwin International Ltd. that was granted an annually renewable license (license number 5) for the negotiation of sports bets at fixed odds. Moreover, bwin International Ltd. also holds a license for the operation of online casinos based on the license for the offer and negotiation of sports bets granted in 1999. This means that all the company's business arrangements are subject to close scrutiny by the Government of Gibraltar. The standard of Gibraltar's regulations is virtually identical to that of the United Kingdom. Therefore, it is not without good reason, that nearly all Europe's leading online gaming companies are licensed in the United Kingdom.

In order to deserve our users' confidence, data protection (credit card and personal details) is one of the top priorities for the company, and it meets the highest security standards in the industry including a five-step security system, multiple firewalls and 128-bit SSL encryption. Apart from these measures, the company provides a data protection statement disclosing all internal processes relating to the processing of personal data.

betoto.com also has an early warning system (set off whenever there are unusually high stakes and winnings) for immediate detection of manipulation and criminal activity.

In collaboration with a respected clearing partner, the company makes sure that credit card data is not passed on to third parties; and it strives to offer its customers all state-of-the-art payment methods, e.g. credit cards, direct debit, paysafe-card, paybox, NETeller and SET credit card transactions


The European Gaming & Betting Association (EGBA) was founded in February 2004 in order to ensure fair market access based on standardised conditions across Europe for all online gaming providers in the EU.

Standards were developed for this purpose, with bwin making a substantial contribution in its role as founding member. All EGBA members have committed themselves to fully implement the guidelines set forth in the "Code of Conduct". For the sake of consumer interests, independent inspection bodies regularly verify compliance with the provisions, which comprise numerous security aspects, responsible gaming activities, the protection of minors, fraud control, and fair, non-misleading advertisement. Further information on EGBA and the "Code of Conduct" is available at http://www.eu-ba.org/.


bwin together with EGBA (European Gaming & Betting Association) founded the European Sports Security Association (ESSA) in January 2005. This move was prompted by what is known as the Hoyzer affair: At the time, the state-owned German betting provider Oddset lost millions through manipulated soccer games due to a lack of control mechanisms. The outcome of each game was decided by blatant mistakes on the part of the goalkeeper and the team’s defence.

The objective of ESSA is to offer customers a fair sports betting product by preventing insider bets and betting fraud.

Using large-scale databases, ESSA is in a position to preventively recognise in real time, whether sports events could have been manipulated and, in the event of manipulation, to pass on this information to sports organisations promptly and unbureacratically.

More details on this non-profit organisation are available at http://www.eu-ssa.org/.

Registration on betoto.com

Дата: Вторник, 30 Июнь 2009
Прочитана: 6184 раза

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